General HSE LEVEL 1, 2 & 3 (Online)

Original price was: $216.00.Current price is: $183.60.

These courses are compulsory requirements for ISPON membership application and are also needed for anyone who wants to take the role of Supervisor. The course content is well detailed to provide good knowledge needed for HSE practice and we deliver it with so much simplicity to guarantee results.


The General HSE and HSE Level 3 are required for HSE career development in Nigeria. A minimum of an HND or BSc degree is required to attend these courses.

On completing this training, you will understand the need for sound HSE-MS in any organization; and acquire advanced skills and knowledge of job hazard analysis, accident investigation and reporting, unsafe act auditing, permit to work, first aid, and confined space safety, among others.

The training is completed in 8 days in regular classes. Distance Learning will take more days to complete.

Will the training qualify you for ISPON MEMBERSHIP?

No. The training only qualifies you for the membership application. Note that the membership is a different process from the training.